New player. Cant stop playing! Need some tips

Hey guys! First of all, why is this game so addictive? (and beautiful!)

So, I just started playing the game a few days ago. Im hooked and cant stop playing it lol.

My fleet currently:

* Fleetstar - using it as a support truck to place fuel tanks in strategic places, but hasent seen much use lately (was my main truck, but it started to tipover a lot so I stopped using it)

* White Western Star 4964 - replaced the Fleetstar as my all around truck, used mostly with bed and trailer

* Paystar 5070 - I just bought it as the WWS became my main trailer truck, so I use the Paystar with light crane and low saddle semi trailer. This and the WWS are my two main trucks

* Pacific P16 - my Heavy truck whenever I need a heavy

* Chevy CK1500 - my scout

So, my question is: Im half way through Michigan. I have some money but I dont want to buy extremely OP trucks. I want a sense of progression if that makes any sense. So what would you guys recommend as a step up for each of these categories? Im thinking of retiring the Fleetstar, adding something more powerful than the Paystar as my main truck and moving the other trucks down a role, What do you think? Thanks again and enjoy the mud! What a fcking great game! haha
