FTM and confused. Am I doing something wrong?
FTM to a 13 week old baby, whose sleep usually goes like this:
- 8am - 10am awake
- 10am - 11am first nap
- 11-1 awake
- 1-1.45 second nap
- 1.45-3.30 awake
- 3.30-4.30 third nap
- 4.30-7 awake
- 7-7.30 cat nap
- 9-10 asleep, will wake and need re-settling
- 10.30pm-1.30am asleep
- 1.30am first feed
- 2am-5am asleep
- 5am awake but is not hungry, resettling time
- 5am-8am asleep but will awake again once or twice
Am I putting him to bed at the wrong time? I’ve tried putting him down at 7pm when he takes a nap - not having it.
I’ve tried multiple bed times in between 7 and 10.30 - not having it. Always wakes up an hour later.
We use white noise, a sleep sack, completely dark room, shhshing. He will settle to sleep either by feeding or occasionally a pacifier.
Am I doing something wrong? I am dying from the multiple wake ups.
Thanks for any advice