We should not encourage new players to level skills quickly

Far too many times I see veteran players recommending easily exploitable mechanics to newcomers to level skills quickly.. leveling skills also makes your character level up, which makes the world and enemies around you level up as well.

Bethesda games arent known for gameplay balance, but its safe to say that Skyrim's combat with enemies is at its most balanced and effective at the first 20 levels or so.

In the first twenty levels: All your skills are useful, you can kill enemies with fire magic just as efficiently as you would killing one with a sword or a bow. Bears, trolls and sabertooths are a big threat, bandits and all other humanoids are manageable, and bosses pose difficulty but nothing too exaggerated.

In the +40 levels: By this time you already specialized in a gimmick... but does it feel okay for everyone that you do huge damage with a one-handler and hit like a wet noodle with a two-handler? Difference is due I understand this but this is laughable.. if you happen to be leveling a Stealth Archer, the excitement of finding a spell tome or a sword is lost because its pointless to use them because you will be doing absurdly low damage with them.

Trolls, bears and sabertooths are as threatening as ants would be at this point, there is no sense of danger when you are traveling out in the world because you can simply kill any threat out there by sneezing at it.

Bosses are bullet sponges at the higher-levels, scaling makes their health pools absurd and its no fun having to shoot 60 arrows to take a dragaur overlord down.

I am currently using a mod that makes skill leveling -50% slower, and I am having a blast. All enemies and encounters feel balanced because of their low level and I can approach any situation however I want, because my arrow, my magic, and my sword and shield are all useful at any point in time. I also avoid all +speed leveling bonuses like rest or standing stones, and I never ask NPCs to level my skills either.

I know many will disagree with me, because many players, specially in skyrim, will often rush to max level or even use cheat commands to make their characters god-like. To each his own I guess, but not many players know how bad the balance gets at the higher levels so I felt like warning them.

Cheers and happy hunting.