Skyrim Cleric Build: How??

Hey guys, I’m initiating another Skyrim playthrough after DMing a fun DnD campaign that rekindled my Skyrim addiction. I’m using a plethora of mods in the Nolvus Awakening set, and I’m wanting to RP as Anastasia, an imperial Cleric of Arkay, the god Life and Death.

From a young age, Anastasia served in the temples, following the footsteps of her aunt after she took her in when Anastasia’s parents passed away while serving in the Imperial Legion. Eventually, after serving as a devoted Acolyte, Arkay appeared to her in a vision with a directive to travel to Skyrim as the Stormcloaks rose against Imperial forces.

After a long journey, she arrived by sea to Solitude where she used the last of her money to purchase a simple mace and shield and a simple chestplate. With a small traveling kit and her restoration spells, she traveled Skyrim performing Arkay’s rites on fallen soldiers from both sides while abiding by the laws of land.

While serving Arkay, she cannot steal or kill needlessly, and any who she must kill to defend herself must be given a proper rite to let their souls rest. She finds herself in Whiterun, the heart of Skyrim, continuing to serve those in need while being a beacon of Arkay’s light.

Now the build: Code of Conduct Because she serves Arkay, soul trapping is forbidden as Arkay is not pleased with the soul cairn and sees it as a corrupt blight meant to subvert the balance of Life and Death. Additionally, abominations like Werewolves (?? Maybe), necromancers, and vampires and draugr must be purged to bring order and please Arkay. Bandits are seen as keepers of Life and Death, albeit foul keepers, and she cannot target them unless they violate the values of Arkay (improper burial of victims, using necromancy, or needlessly killing from bloodlust rather than survival). The Reachmen must be purged with their foul magiks given to them by the hagravens and witches. Allowed magiks: Restoration spells The Fire Destruction tree (the holy fire of Arkay) Alteration spells like calm or spells that encourage her followers and adventures No conjugation, no alchemy or poisons or health potions (only food and healing spells) Heavy armor only and can use shield/mace/magic. No bows (because Arkay does not act from cowardice or deception, death must approach head on)

This leaves me with a quandary: How can Anastasia enchant her weapons if she can’t use soul gems. What quest lines should she follow and what sides should she take in the war? Is she able to be Dragonborn? Can she be permitted to use enchanted weapons that she purchased or was given as rewards even tho they were enchanted from soul gems?

Some help and guidance would be awesome!