Should I emulate Silent hill 1,2,3 and 4.

So I grew up with resident evil more than silent Hill but ever since I was a kid I was always fascinated by silent Hill 1,2 and 3. I had only played about 2 hours of silent Hill 2 and 3 but have never played 1 or 4. The only time I played sh1 was when I rented shattered memories from family video back in the day but that game is obviously a reimagining of sh1.

So my question is, as for sh1 i don't have a ps1 so would it be a waste to buy a ps1 and game if I can just emulate it? Sh2 and 3 I have the hd collection on Xbox and yes I know they have some issues compared to og but again can I play and enjoy them on the hd collection or should I emulate? And as for sh4 again I've never played it so should I buy it or is emulating it fine.

Tldr: I have hd collection of sh2 and 3 so will they be fine or should I emulate og games and as for sh1 and 4 i don't really wanna buy a ps1 and sh1 and sh4 for the PS2 if emulating it will be just as good.

I just beat sh2 remake and it's got me on a silent hill kick right now lol. I'm currently trying to platinum it but I'm having issues getting the maria ending but anyways thanks for the help guys.