Aborts being stronger is no joke. Please be careful. I had a full like, schizophrenic experience on 3g of tea, no family history.

Edit: idk why I said schizophrenic. What I meant was DID. I don’t know how I made that mistake, I have two friends with DID. Almost like I made this post shortly after breaking my brain lol.

For context, I’ve been tripping for around 8 years now; I have experience with acid, shrooms, molly, ketamine, DMT, and usually like to go pretty hard. I often aim to break through on DMT and always to k-hole on ket.

I usually do around 4g of shrooms for some good woods meditation and introspection time. Brewed up some tea with 3g of aborts, figuring I’d lose some potency but I wanted to go easy since I was tripping with my boyfriend for the first time (I usually hate tripping around other people but we had such a great time on molly together recently I wanted to give it a go). I didn’t really believe the aborts potency thing some people claim and just wanted to use them for tea cuz there was so much substrate still on the bottoms I could strain out (so really come to think of it, it was probably even less than 3g).

Shrooms kicked in in literally 10 minutes. It sounds ridiculous, I was in denial about it til I couldn’t be. Thank god my boyfriend hadn’t taken his yet. He helped me through the peak which was a straight up DMT experience for an hour and a half. Sometimes fun, most of the time incredibly challenging.

The problem came past the peak. I started becoming a fractal, then realized all the other fractals were also consciousnesses, and started talking to them. As I connected with them, more and more started flitting through me, feeling like tourists checking out what various parts of my body felt like.

I was having floor time while this was happening, and my boyfriend said he was going to do his dose so he wanted to get me to bed (I had said I should be good past the peak and was feeling better so he should feel free). I’d been mostly incoherent up to that point, talking at like quarter speed with my pitch sliding all over the place like a shpongle song. But when he said it was time to move I locked eyes with him, said completely normally, “can we trust you?” and three separate very distinct personalities slid over and became my consciousness, none of which were me.

I was blocked out from my own consciousness, referring to my real self and body as “she” and who I was currently as “we” and would get VERY distressed or laugh dismissively depending on who was most in control if my boyfriend asked me to stop or questioned it. I had very distinct voices and could feel my face moving in different ways between each personality (I was aware of all at once, it would just flicker between who was most forward). It really was just three people trying on my body after not having bodies themselves for a while, and talking amongst themselves about the experience. Sometimes I felt completely lucid (but still as one of the other entities), sometimes I was still tripping balls and talking nonsense.

I could go on, but. Yeah. My boyfriend was obviously super freaked out, and once I came down enough to have peeks of my actual self coming through (around 3 hours in) I was as well. I ended up taking 2mg of Ativan which fully got the other consciousnesses out for good. I haven’t experienced any of it continuing today, thank god. Definitely a humbling experience. I feel immense guilt and horror over what I put my bf through; it’s really fucked up having gone through a traumatizing experience and needing comfort and support from someone while the experience was your fault and in a way your doing and you’ve also been first a burden and later a tormentor to that person you need. I want to grovel and I want him to get angry with me and let it all out and let me make it up to him (impossible) while I also need him to comfort me and reassure me that he doesn’t hate me.

No more psychs for me for a very long time.