Time is stopped for you whenever your eyes are closed.
So if you close your eyes for even a split second, time will freeze for however long your eyelids are fully covering your pupils. This also means that for everyone else, your eyes will never close. But there are some negatives, like how whenever you go to sleep, time will be frozen for the duration of your sleep, so say if you go to bed at midnight, you will wake up at midnight, same time, same day. This can be good though, as you can sleep in class without getting caught, or have an extra long lunch break if you can eat with you eyes closed. And if you're blind, then time is frozen for you all the time.
Also time is frozen like it is in jojo's bizarre adventure, meaning you can still breathe when time is stopped, and you won't be launched at 1500 mph because the world's stopped spinning. You also won't go through your car window or be cut in half by your seatbelt.
And due to popular demand and sub rules, you can toggle it on and off but it will still freeze when you enter rem sleep, but don't worry, you won't age during that sleep.
You can also use blindfolds and sleeping masks to replicate the effect of not being able to see but if you can even see a crack through the blindfold, time will continue, so tinted glasses aren't an option unless you can't see through them.
Also blind people or people with cataract blindness only stop time when they can see black, or just nothing.
Also Also, When you die, time will unfreeze for your final moments, meaning that you can hear your family mourning you before you eventually slumber into the abyss.
But surgery is still a pain I'm not changing that.