Piercings in the industry
Hi! Im training to be a professional sfx makeup artist, and i practice on myself a lot for new skills and making prosthetics, but i also really like piercings and want to get more facial piercings than just a septum. The problem is that i wouldn't want to do anything to fuck up real holes in my face with makeup, so i haven't gotten them yet. Do any of you on this sub know if theres ways makeup artists can safely protect piercings when doing prosthetic work? I've asked some of my MUA friends who have piercings as well as professor, but the only answers I've gotten are, "i didn't think that far ahead," "I've never had to deal with that," or, "thats a good question." Is it possible to put a skin patch or something over them to avoid any adhesives or latex touching them? Obviously this would only be after a piercing is healed as well.