Just now realizing at 24 that I was molested by my cousin at age 9
Looking for some validation honestly bc I am just now processing all of this today.
So context, when I was 9 years old (female) I used to hang out with my older cousin (13 female) at my grandmas house. Maybe once or twice (from what I remember) we would sit in the basement under the stairs and play a game where we showed each other our breasts and we would touch each other. (Maybe other things I don’t remember) but I remember this one time that it happened and it was so weird. And on top of that at the same age my cousin exposed me to lesbian p0rn and pictures of naked women on my grandma’s old computer. Why did I realize that this was bad? After all these years? I was watching a tik tok video about Drake Bell and all of that and I thought about that time(s) with my cousin and what she did and I started googling if a minor could assault another minor. And this is what I found:
SA crimes and child M0lestation crimes can be as follows:
- fondling a child
- touching a child’s breast area
- indecent exposure
- exposing a child to pornography
So does this mean I was definitely SA’d? Because I was looking up symptoms of people that have been assaulted and I realized that I struggle a lot with those things when it comes to intimacy in my relationship. I just need some validation and idk what to do now. I told my boyfriend about it and he was just in shock and denial but he believes my story because of all the reflections of how I struggle with our intimacy but what do I do now?