Has anyone else migrated back to Enhanced from DE?
When Definitive came out, I was on the fence about switching over since I have a near complete collection of ENhanced (everything but Guise and Wager Master) But I gave it a try and loved it and started playing Definitive pretty much exclusively.
Now, with the slower than snail pace of Disparition arriving, and realizing we have about 3 boxes after that to complete the game, I started dipping back into Enhanced. Having done so, I realized how much I missed how much content there is, and how nearly infinite the game seems. The past month or so, Enhanced has become my game of choice again, to the point that it's pretty much the only game I solo on my free time.
Wondering if anyone else went back to Enhanced after having played Definitive? I now find the balance issues and the less than stellar art to be charming in their own way. More than anything it's nice to have so many options and so much content again compared to the pretty sparse two sets of Definitive we have.