how to love yourself after making a mistake

i think i need help. i can’t stop thinking about a mistake i made over a month ago. long story short, i was seeing a guy who i thought was exclusively seeing me and i got played. we hooked up once and i absolutely regret it because i don’t typically do hookups. ever since things ended, i keep seeing myself as a “slut” who isn’t worthy of anything good in my life. i keep replaying finding his new tinder account on my found after he told me he deleted it, questioning why he would’ve lied to me. was it my looks? was it because i was annoying? was it because i wasn’t accomplished enough?

this mindset has manifested into my daily life. i have to finish a major research paper by the end of winter break (i took an incomplete in a class, that’s why i’m doing work over the break. also she’s a prof i want a law rec from and i’m worried i’m potentially blowing it because of this funk i’m in). on top of that, i have to prepare for an interview for a position with my congressman that would be amazing (i’m a political science major), stay on top of my training (i’m a d1 athlete) and i want to improve my social skills by reading these self help books (they’re really bad, and i complained all last semester about not having any fulfilling friendships). i know these are all important, but my mind doesn’t want to do them? it keeps going back to this one thing i did, and i keep thinking how no one is going to love me because i hooked up with someone (which is stupid). i think i’m self sabotaging myself because of the fact i made this one mistake and it’s making me think i’m not worthy of success.

i do want to get better, but i can’t stop thinking about it. i want it to stop and just be happy and proud of myself again, and i don’t want this to derail my future. does anyone have any advice or words i can take about how to move on?