I started cutting recently and I'm not sure what to do

I've started self harming these past few months again after going to college and a bunch of traumatic stuff I don't want to go into here, but I started biting again and I've had to hide my arms for months because they're so covered in bruises it looks like im being severely beat, I used to do it in middleschool and often to the point it would bleed. These past 2 weeks I started cutting and I'm not even sure why honestly, but I do it for different reasons than the biting. The biting I usually just do when stressed or panicking because the pain helps distract me (and its satisfying for self hatred reasons), but the cutting is unsettlingly calm and I'm fully in control, I usually do it when I'm in a suicidal episode or just really hate myself or am feeling really dysphoric, and now I can't do open shoulder jackets and can't show my very upper thighs. I just, don't know what to do, I don't even know if I want to stop, it helps pull me out of the stuff, I know it's bad and my ex struggled with cutting a lot so I know how bad it can get but I weirdly aren't beat up about the fact I do it, I kind of get some satisfaction from it because I feel like I deserve it. Idk, I just want to get some stuff off my mind