Don't post your partners mugshots stupid!

Ok my gf is a small hair stylist and for whatever reason her cliants love me. So I go to some of her cuts if I'm not busy. It's interesting to hear the drama. Lately we had some drama that ticked me off tho.

One of her clients got a Dwi. Sounds bad and Imma be honest I don't know them that well. The story seemed sketch tho. Supposedly she can't drink because of medication so she's fighting it. Her boyfriend had to bail her out tho. I mean I get it it sucks but he decided to hold it over her. He posted it on social media because he thinks its soo funny.

It mannaged to get picked up by a couple popular sites. I seen her defending him on socials but it's clear in person all the mean comments are suuuper getting to her. It made me appreciate my relationship tho. I'd be devastated if my partner did that to me its humiliating. I just cant see a single way that shaming your partner on socials is a good idea.