Confession: I never do chores around the house while my toddler is asleep. I do those only when she is around.

Maybe this is a common thing for SAHMs to do, I dunno. But I learned this the hard way after I recently became one. I sometimes feel bad because I often find myself doing housework pretty much all day while she is awake (not that it’s exactly enjoyable to me) leaving almost no time to actually sit down to play with her. But I think I would be so depressed if I do work around the house during those precious nap or bed time. Also, this is probably very silly but I never sleep when she is asleep except from maybe like 4am to whenever she wakes up. Her sleeping time is my only time to mentally recharge and do fun things without any interruptions. I am probably sleep deprived right now but I honestly don’t care because my free time is important. Gosh, toddler years are so boring… I am so burnt out and bored out of my mind waiting for the day to end as soon as it starts. During the 5 hours a week she is in preschool, I would rather just lie down and do nothing in silence at home than do anything more productive. Anyone with me? The model moms out there who cook great meals, keep the house impeccable, and are always well rested at night to fully engage their toddlers during the day, how do you keep your sanity?