Sabrina being rude?
In this subreddit, I feel like there is some valid criticism of Sabrina. However, I just want to inform you guys that the video of the person saying Sabrina rolled her eyes at them is blatantly false. How do I know this? Well...the person behind the account stole the crying video from @LosBybysSR on YouTube. Here's the link: Copy and paste it on Google. Additionally, they kept posting the same video multiple times with different fonts and captions in an attempt to go viral (now privated videos but I'll show you all a screeshot I borrowed from a video explaining the situation). I just wanted to inform you all about the misinformation the video spreads. I also don't think it's fair to criticise her on something she didn't do...since there are areas in which we can focus our attention on instead. I got downvoted last time but I just wanted to tell you all the truth. I hope everyone has a great day!