Joyride HACK
TLDR: If you let joyride sit for while it becomes heavenly.
I got a bunch of packs of joyride for my birthday because my family has seen how much I enjoy the watermelon gummies and the blue raspberry strips. However, I accidentally left a pack of blue raspberry strips sitting in a drawer under a bunch of stuff for 2 months.
I found them today and when I opened the pack they were sticker and softer than usual. The sour coating on the outside had mostly become clear, but the strips weren’t warm; they were room temperature to the touch. They were so sticky some of them adhered to the inside of the bag and were slightly difficult to get off. They were stuck together and mostly lost their individual shape. I didn’t complain though, I had to give them a try.
I don’t even know how to explain this, but they tasted better than any candy I have ever had in my life. They were more sour, more flavor packed, and melted in my mouth like butter. I was so scared of eating them quickly so I tried my best to take small bites but I couldn’t help myself. It was so good I had to make a post about it.
I’m not sure what the science behind this is, but joyride that has sat for awhile and becomes soft is 2-3x as good as it is normally. I’m not sure how to replicate this, but I will definitely try.
Please let me know if you try this or if you’ve had this same experience. Seriously beyond 10/10.