Computer crashing whenever playing LoL or VALORANT

Recently whenever playing VALORANT or LoL, after about 5 minutes my PC would crash and hang. I'd have to turn off my power supply switch and turn it back on in order to turn on my PC normally. I noticed this the morning of 2/7, at around 3 AM EST. I crashed in a single game of valorant about 4 times. I figured it was a fluke, and just went to bed. At around 7 PM EST, I hopped on LoL and about 10 minutes into my game I started to crash too. I've restarted my computer, checked my drivers, made sure my components were fine. All of which checked out, however my power supply does seem to be wearing out.

The weird part is- This only happens on Riot published games. Any other game I play, I don't have this issue. I've uninstalled Vanguard, LoL, Valorant, and the riot client. Then reinstalled them all with various restarts to my computer. I queued a game of Valorant in windowed full screen, 2k res, v-sync off and about 5 minutes in, I had my crash. My temps were normal, however I felt more heat emitting than usual when reaching to flick my power supply switch.

Anyway, I was hoping there was some sort of fix that might be riot related I could do in order to prevent my game from crashing this often.

EDIT: 11:48 PM EST 2/7, my PC crashed while playing geometry dash, but that was about an hour into the session.

Attached are my Event Viewer logs with my crashes.