terrible doordasher😭

so this guy comes into my store really frequently for doordash or instacart or whatever, and yesterday night he came in again. i’m doing my rounds on the store because my shift ended in twenty minutes, making sure nothing was out of place and all that when i see a cart just chilling in the middle of the alcohol section. i shrug it off, sweep the store, etc, but fifteen minutes later it’s still there. i check the bathrooms because maybe the person is in there, but they were empty. the two ladies down the aisle said it’s been there a while and it isn’t their’s. i go back to the cart and notice it has ice cream in it. soft, melted, drumstick ice cream cones. (ice cream cones dipped in chocolate that basically turn into a huge mess if they melt)

i tell my manager, and she said to do a throw away on them (put in the system that they got ruined and toss it) and instead of tossing it, put it in the break room since they’re still edible. i do that, and i figure i’ll just take them home because i leave in five minutes.

my manager takes the rest of the stuff in the cart and goes to put it back because she still has an hour and a half left of her shift, and i’m walking out after clocking out when the guys stops me.

H: “did you take the cart that was right here?”

M: “yeah, unfortunately we had to because it had been sitting a while— i’m sorry.”

H: “my phone died so i left the cart here and i was in my car charging it for like, six minutes.”

M: “oh, i’m really sorry about that, we just have to put the stuff back especially because the ice cream was melting and soft.”

he ran off to try and stop my manager from putting it back and my coworker and i both stood there a while, because the ice cream i was literally holding in my hand was soft and squishy and DEFINITELY left for more than six minutes.

but like, he was just gonna continue the order??? i mean, imagine ordering ice cream off of doordash and getting a soft, melted mess😭