Career change advice
Hey there everyone. Posting this just to get some input. It's been weighing heavily on my mind lately.
I'm a male in my 30s. I've been involved in the manufacturing field since I was 16. My father has worked in machine shops my entire life and he has taught me the vast majority of everything I know. I genuinely enjoy manufacturing.
Here's the thing. I don't enjoy managing people, and that is the direction my career is going. I'm at the top "even slightly above" the top of my pay scale. I currently have a great job. I've been with my current employer for 10+ years and they treat me very well. I have about 115 credits towards a degree in mechanical engineering. All of which has been paid for by my employer.
About 2 years ago I dropped out of school. While I enjoy the study of engineering, the classes were very difficult and I have a family that I just wasn't getting to see at all outside of school and work. Additionally I think I just realized I don't know if engineering is what I want to do for a living and that I can't stand being at a desk all day long. couple all of this with the fact that my mental health was in a horrible place. I'm not above admitting that I was having complete breakdowns with semi regularity "this immediately cleared up once i stopped taking courses..." Long story short, I'm a college dropout. Something which has been in the back of my mind since I stopped going to school.
My wife has been a respiratory therapist for the past 10 years. When she originally suggested I do her job it was a complete joke.... at first. Now I am seriously considering it have absolutely 0 experience in the medical field other than the conversations ive been having with my wife. On Monday I begin BI100 the only pre requisite I don't already have completed to apply to the respiratory program at a local college. It's a terrifying prospect as once I get accepted to the program my personal and professional lives will be turned on their head. If I follow through with this I have about 2 years before I have a degree and begin work as an RT. The two years of schooling will be very hard on my family, but my wife who is extremely supportive of the whole idea, assures me that we can get through it.
I'm not blind to the fact that every field and job has its challenges. Some worse than others.
I'm going to cut this off here. This post is more or less just myself writing some of my thoughts down and hoping for insight from others who may have followed similar paths. So thanks in advance to anyone who may have input