My (25f) fiancé(31m) has a porn addiction
We have been together for close to three years now and recently got engaged. He is considerate, funny, and incredibly kind. However, the only issue we have is that our sex life has been riddled with issues. He used to not be able to keep an erection for roughly our first year and some change together. I really tried to do what I could to no avail. I found out he had been following a lot of e-girls and even subbed to OFs and put my foot down. I let him know if this continued I wouldn’t continue our relationship. He stopped and our sex life improved greatly! Now, I don’t want to be the person to go through his phone, but in the last few weeks he has encountered the same issue of not being able to keep an erection. It makes my body image issues so much worse. He was honest and said he has been looking at porn “occasionally” but not jerking off? Any advice?