AITA for Asking My Girlfriend to Eat Her Vegetables?
Me (M32) and my girlfriend (F36) are planning to have a baby. We're in the process of finalizing some details around our homes and tidying up things in our lives to make the experience better.
Here’s the problem: she doesn’t eat anything besides meat, rice, pasta, junk food, and sweets. It’s so extreme that she won’t even eat fruits. She won’t touch condiments like ketchup or mayo on a regular McDonald’s burger because it would “ruin her day.” She only eats plain burgers—just the bun, cheese, meat, and another bun.
I found it a little strange when we started dating, but I accepted it. She does her thing, I do mine.
But now that we want to get pregnant, I told her she should start eating healthier now to get used to it before she starts dealing with pregnancy-related nausea.
Where I Might Be the Asshole:
We went to a restaurant, and she ordered a dish that came with miso soup, a small portion of sliced cabbage with some toppings, and two fried shrimp. Normally, she gives those things to me, but this time I asked her to pick one item and just try it.
She looked at the shrimp and said, “That has onions in it. It’ll ruin my day.” She glanced at the cabbage and said, “That tastes like leaves and weeds.” She didn’t even bother looking at the miso soup.
I got a little frustrated but kept it to myself, silently eating my meal. I could tell she was annoyed too.
I understand not liking certain foods—everyone has their dislikes. Some people hate onions, mushrooms (don’t look at them under a microscope), are lactose intolerant, or drink unpasteurized milk only ( crazy?). I don’t like beef liver or eggplant myself.
But excluding everything that grows? To me, it’s not about taste anymore; it feels like stubbornness.
I’m not asking her to clean her plate every time or eat veggies daily. I just want her to start eating healthier, especially because we’re planning to have a baby. It’s not for me. It’s not even for her. It’s for the baby.
I used to live recklessly, but I changed because I knew it would be bad for a child to grow up without a dad. Why can’t she make a similar change?
Additional Info:
She did a blood test, and everything came back normal—no vitamin deficiencies.
She looks healthy, just a little tired sometimes, but otherwise fine.
She’s taking vitamins and supplements, but I’d much prefer if she improved her eating habits naturally.
I still worry, though.
Edit1: a reply to a comment that i thought is worth everybody seeing it
I respected her diet until we started planning for a baby(i not disrespecting now im just saying she could imporve). Just like preparing the house and our finances to make the whole experience better, diet is an important part of it too.
It's not just about her—it’s about everything. There are so many things we can do together and individually to make this process as smooth as possible. So why not do it?
It's better to prepare now than to deal with it while you're pregnant. It’s like an emergency situation: you prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
You put on a life jacket before getting on a boat, not during an emergency. Sure, it sucks to lose some mobility with that old, uncomfortable life jacket, but if something happens (even if the probability is low), you’re already prepared.
Better safe than sorry.