Gambler Challange 8 Tips
Hi, i know i'm a little late to this topic but i wanted to share if anyone having struggles with the Gambler 8 in 2024.
Basically all you have to do is go to Van Horn or Rhodes and sit left to dealer. This will make you get cards faster and for some people i heard it'll ususally gives you low numbers.
If the number is higher than 13 leave and join the table again. Then press hit again until you get 3 cards.
You can do this challange more faster by leaving from table and joining again. Just wait until you get a card lower than 13.
Also Ace's are really helping you at Blackjack. If you have for example Ace + Number 9 go for it.
But don't forget that this is also based on luck. In my opinion this challange shouldn't be that long + it shouldn't be a luck based challange because if you're not lucky you can put nearly 50 hours just to complete Gambler challanges.
Hope this helps!