Do you respond to shitty reviews?

tl;dr I received a shitty Google review from a spiteful client I made my life miserable helping. Respond or leave it?

Seldom followed advice, consistently tried to pressure people into getting when he wanted, DAILY late night calls, swearing on the phone, countless offers I was asked to write and negotiate only to get cold feet after few days over two years. After finally making an offer and being told this was the one, but going rogue and spending their a portion of their downpayment money just a week before completion (despite being warned not to touch it), the client left me what I feels like an unfair review accusing me of being controlling by telling them what to do with their money and only wanting to get paid, blaming me for the loss of their deposit. I now have wasted about 300 hours on getting no money and have what feels like a stain on my near perfect record because I took on a wholly unreasonable and frankly unstable client (friend of a friend). As I’ve asked my other past clients to leave reviews to counter balance that negative review, I wonder if I should respond to this one to defend myself from what feels like unjust claims like that I “just want to be paid” (who doesn’t after two years?)… what are your thoughts and your experiences?