So Proud!

In preparation for the Lemoyne Trails quilt, I tested out the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star ruler tool tonight. It took rereading the instructions a few times and a Youtube tutorial, but I figured out how to use the dang ruler! I felt pretty overwhelmed with the long detailed instructions (beginner quilter over here). I’m proud of myself, so behold the magnificence that is my little 6” block 😂

In preparation for the Lemoyne Trails quilt, I tested out the Rapid Fire Lemoyne Star ruler tool tonight. It took rereading the instructions a few times and a Youtube tutorial, but I figured out how to use the dang ruler! I felt pretty overwhelmed with the long detailed instructions (beginner quilter over here). I’m proud of myself, so behold the magnificence that is my little 6” block 😂