I calculated how much my 12 week old puppy has cost so far (down to the penny).

As someone who’s very meticulous about tracking my spending, I was able to go through my spreadsheets and calculate exactly how much my partner and I have spent on our puppy. This includes supplies we bought leading up to getting her and the cost during the last 4 weeks of actually having her.

For vet appointments, vaccines, toys, puzzles, socialization classes, training classes, other forms of enrichment, leash, collar, harness, crate, playpen, our actual dog (who was only $400), pet rent (🙄), pet insurance, and all the other random crap, we have spent…. $3,528.32 USD!!!

Full transparency: that excludes some random items I’ve grabbed at the grocery story for her like bone broth, peanut butter, veggies, etc. So, for good measure I’ll say she has cost us roughly $3,600 total SO FAR!

Moral of the story, puppies aren’t cheap!!! Before getting a puppy, I made a spreadsheet outlining how much I thought it would cost and wow, let me tell you I was WAYYYY off!🤣