Do puppies overcome jsolation anxiety with age? How much do we need to train?

I understand that young puppies naturally do not want to be alone and we need to teach them that we will always come back. Our puppy came home at 8.5 weeks and is generally doing very well.

At 10 weeks old she settles in her crate if someone is near so long as she’s tired, then once she’s sleepy we can move further away in the same room and she naps. She does not like being alone in a room, in or out or the crate.

We’re working on peekaboo games and increasing times we hide behind doors and walls but we are only at like 10 seconds max.

Do we just keep doing these games and the duration will eventually increase and she’s going to someday understand that we’ll come back? Is there an age where it just naturally gets easier? Our goals are to have her being comfortable alone in the crate and alone in her playpen area while we move around the house as needed.