Incoming PD interview in a medium sized city
I’m a 1L and I’ve been invited to interview with a public defenders office for a summer internship. I really want the job because it’s in a location that I want to practice in.
They’ve seen my resume and cover letter, but I intentionally left off my GPA because there was a class first semester that tanked my grades. I’m really hoping they won’t ask about why my GPA isn’t on my resume.
I have a compelling, authentic narrative for why I want to work in this office in particular, and I’m genuinely interested in indigent defense. I just want to make sure that I say all the right things in the interview so I increase my chances of landing the internship.
I’m not sure how steep the competition is, but it is a medium-large, urban office located near multiple schools within the T30 and one T100 is down the street. (I go to a T60 school).
Are there any kinds of questions that I should be prepared to answer? Any words of wisdom that you could provide? Anything that I should or shouldn’t do? Thanks for your insight in advance.