Is this psychological theory true?
Two really reliable psychologists who have spent all their working life studying sexual abusers and pedophiles strongly believe that subconscious pedo sexual impulses can -sporadically- emerge in almost every person, they claim that it has been biologically proven that pedophilic latent subconscious urges are present in almost every normal person and the difference between a pedo and a normal person is, primarily, in the intensity of this urges (obviously in a pedo these urges are insanely strong and frequent, whereas a normal person maybe could experience these urges really sporadically or even be not aware of them) and also in the capacity of controlling these urges (pedo aren’t often able of controlling their urges because of their disease). What do you think about it? Is this a way of “normalising” pedophilia or there are any evidence supporting this unconventional theory?