My musician friend threatened to break my leg if I try to prove that music is halal! Can you believe this shit?
What the hell is this called? Stockholm syndrome? Bipolar disorder? I can't fu*king believe what just happened.
So this friend of mine is very passionate about music. He is a singer, plays guitar, often uploads his songs with the guitar in his social media and also sings in his University functions. But at the same time he also believes that playing all instruments are haram. I've seen him reacting to Islamist contents on social media and commenting that he knows music is haram but still plays guitar and one day he will quit music and destroy his guitar and shit like that. So I thought maybe I should inform him about the scholars who says music is not haram and save him from the mental torment. I told him that I don’t believe music is haram and that he isn't committing any sin by playing guitar so he shouldn’t be worried so much. Then I told him about the mainstream scholars who said music isn't haram. But instead of getting happy, he got really angry. He told me that those scholars are paid agents of Israel (🤡) who want to destroy Islam by distorting the real message of Islam, he then accused me of following my whims & desires and listening to the whispers of shaitan. Then he told me that if I ever try to prove music or other haram things halal then he will break my leg. He also doesn’t want to be my friend anymore.
Later he wrote a post on social media that if something is haram that will be haram regardless of time and place, and if anyone thinks them halal then they'll be a kafir. He acknowledged that music is haram and still he sings knowing very well that music is haram because he is not perfect, but he is better than a filthy kafir who thinks music is halal. Finally he warned everyone of paid Israeli agent scholars (🤡) who try to make music and other things halal, and he doesn’t want to keep friendship with anyone who follows these scholars to fulfil their whims and desires. He did not mention any names but it was very easy to understand that he was pointing at me. Last I checked, he has blocked me on social media.
I don’t know if I should be mad or sad after this? Or should I laugh? But I do know that I lost a friend today whom I considered one of my close friends.