Anxiety while waiting for next appointment

So I had my last doctor's appointment about 3 weeks ago. My doctor is doing appointments once a month, until I switch over to doing my prenatal appointments at the hospital where I will deliver.
I'm currently 15w+5, and I haven't had to wait so long between appointments before this point.
And even though she told me all of my test results until now are all looking good and to keep doing what I'm doing, I'm still getting anxiety about the baby.
My next appointment is next week, but it feels like it's been forever. Up until now, I've either had a doctor's appointment to check-in and make sure everything is good, or an ultrasound.
I can't help but worry that something might not be right, but I'm also a FTM, and just want toake.sure everything is okay. I'm even tempted to get myself a Doppler so I can keep an eye on the baby in the meantime. The doctor used it during my last appointment, and it was amazing.
Any advice on handly this anxiety in the meantime? I'm hoping it'll get better once I can start feeling the baby move.