Slow fetal heart rate
Hi! I’d appreciate any anecdotes because I’m spiraling.
So I had an US for confirmation at 6w2d and the baby was measuring right on track. I knew exactly when I ovulated etc. there was a heartbeat but it was “slow” according to the doctor it could be a bad sign. He said normally the heartbeat would be 120s and mine was 80s-90s BUT he said it was a good sign that the crown rump measurements were on track according to my cycle. Of course I had the US the day I went home to family on 12/13 for Christmas and it has now been a little over two weeks since I’ve been seen because I was out of town. I am seeing my doctor on Thursday 1/2. By then the baby should be measuring 9w1d.
Since I couldn’t get an US since I was out of town, I got HCG tests done on 12/20 (7w2d) and 12/23 (7w5d) and they were 43,930 and 47,022 three days apart. I freaked since they weren’t doubling so naturally I flipped. My doctor said :
“Hcg levels stop doubling after the first few weeks, so I wouldn't be checking them at this point. I wouldn't consider a level not doubling once the levels are this high to be abnormal. Once pregnancy is visible with ultrasound, it needs to be followed with ultrasound findings (not with hcg levels). The hcg level actually plateaus and then drops quite significantly even in normal pregnancies late in the first trimester. It starts dropping at some point even when things are progressing/developing normally. Thus, I can't really tell you if you can read anything into these levels or not---I can just tell you that we stop checking levels very early on (as soon as we can see the pregnancy with ultrasound, which is at the 5-6 weeks GA mark) as the hcg levels are not useful at all thereafter. In the absence of pain or bleeding, I wouldn't be concerned at this point. If you need evaluation, you need to have an ultrasound done. Don't repeat any more hcg levels at this point as you can't use them to interpret the progression of the pregnancy. We are not in the office today or tomorrow (there are a few staff in the office right now but I believe they are closing at noon). I am in the office on Thursday and next week. If you had new concerns that needed addressed before your visit next week, you could call the office Thursday or message me and we could connect. Otherwise, keeping your appointment for 1/2 to just have the ultrasound done at that time is the appropriate next step. Take care, and we will see you again soon. Hopefully we will find that everything is progressing normally. If it is not, we will help you through it, but I would not make that assumption based on those lab results. Hope this information is helpful to you.”
That made me feel a little better.
I know I have less than two days until my US and should just chill. But I had a miscarriage in March, my husband is deployed, and I’m spiraling! I could use any anecdotes from anyone who had a “slow fetal heart rate” with a positive outcome is anyone is willing to share. Thank you!