Can people please tell me that postpartum was not as difficult as being 37+ weeks pregnant

Look, I know everyone’s experience is going to be different - and if you preferred pregnancy over being post-partum, I ask you not to comment on this lol.

I am just over 37 weeks pregnant and I am literally miserable. I am so uncomfortable, sick, in pain - the list goes on. I cry almost every day and I just want this baby out of me. I am so tired and I literally dread nights because of how much pain I’m in while laying in bed and because of lack of sleep. I am well aware a newborn comes with a whole new set of challenges (and I’m also sure lack of sleep!), and I know that won’t be easy, but I truly feel like a shell of my previous self. I don’t recognize myself, or my body. It’s a workout to walk around my house - hell, even to roll over in bed in the middle of the night. The grunts and groans that come out of me are embarrassing at this point. The shooting pains in my cervix, shortness of breath, indigestion, nausea - my god. I feel like I wasn’t nervous for labour but now that I’m this uncomfortable I’m scared at how much worse it can get/feel.

Someone please tell me they much prefer having their baby vs being late in pregnancy/can you relate.