Threw up large amount of blood

I’ve struggled with HG undiagnosed officially in 1st trimester. Puking 5-6 times a day. Lost 25 lbs, IV fluids. Second trimester it has gotten better tremendously however heartburn/indigestion is taking over. Sometimes the heartburn is so bad that it will cause me to puke. However I only puke maybe 1-2 times a day every few days. But yesterday I puked my breakfast up and following that I puked an alarming amount of blood. Atleast a 1/2 cup full with what look like a small clot/phlegm. I know tmi 😭. I called the on call OB line and he said not to worry about it because it may be from irritation. And I told him I’ve had a streak of blood in my spit before, but this time was different I was puking straight red blood. But he reiterated that it should be fine unless it happened again, then to head to the ER. So I went to the ER regardless. Bloodwork fine apparently, BP slightly elevated but came down before I got discharged. And I was prescribed Carafate. Then this morning I puked again. It started off as bile then ended with 2-3 quarter sized amounts of blood. Significantly less than yesterday but still alarming. anyone else experienced this? I’m so scared.