Cervix check or membrane sweep without consent!

Today, I had my prenatal appointment at 36 weeks. The ultrasound showed that the baby is doing fine. After that my OB said she would start checking my cervix every week. I’ve had two cervical checks before, and they weren’t painful at all with different OBs. today I experienced heavy bleeding after and there was blood running through my legs she was there with me and said is normal and that she was just trying to see if the cervix can open, as I am currently not dilated at all. I’m only 36 weeks, and I feel there’s no need for these checks yet. The bleeding and pain made me feel like it was a membrane sweep. My OB plans to induce me on my due date, 12/21… she will be on vacation by 12/23.

She also recommended that I start pumping tonight, drink raspberry leaf tea, and take a 20-minute walk. Isn’t it too soon for all of this? At this point I want to change my provider or just run away and have my baby somewhere else :(