Hormones or over it?
I’m at FTM and cannot STAND my partner. I’m 15 weeks (tomorrow) and have had a AWFUL pregnancy. I’ve been puking constantly, had such bad nausea, since week 12 I’ve had AWFUL migranes, and been quite bed ridden when not working nearly FULL TIME.
But about my partner. I cannot stand him. I don’t want to be near him, I don’t enjoy being with him, I hate his attitude, and I’m just straight up over how he is. He is constantly asking if people are talking to me (referring to men) and if they are I need to tell him. Mind you I’m 3 months pregnant and VERY uncomfortable. He also does not respect a word I have to say, although he’s been “living” with me since April/early May of this year, I’ve had my place since October of 2023. I’ve asked so many times for him to just be out of the house and he never respects my request. I tell him that’s part of the reason I’m so unhappy with him, because he’s constantly asking and accusing me of talking to people while I’m pregnant and not happy with my pregnancy so far. On top of that he’s constantly asking what he can do around the house as if I’ve not mentioned it multiple multiple times what he could do, and told him look around the house. Dishes constantly need done, I prefer the house to be picked up but am fine doing it when I can, trash can will be overflowing, clothes hamper will be filled. Mind you, I do things when I can but this has not been an easy pregnancy. Hes also been working maybe 1-2 times a week making only a QUARTER more than me. So on top of being in nearly detrimental health, I’ve been the money source most of the time. I have to pay for most of the food and things around the house rn. He does some side stuff to try random make some extra money but he still has bills on top of the house bills and food expenses. Plus, our gender reveal is Next weekend and I’ve done EVERYTHING. I’ve paid for all the materials and supplies needed, set the whole thing up, sent out all the invitations. He helped with the newest project for the gender reveal because I really shouldn’t be spray painting anything so he’s does care for the health of the baby but it feels like he cares a lot more about the baby than me. I always work 5am shifts so by 8-9pm I’m TIRED and that is always when he wants to start arguments and fight with me but I’m obviously exhausted, don’t get to nap throughout the day because he makes me feel bad. Of course I’m going to argue and have an attitude when it’s 9pm and I have to be up at 4am to go to work. I’m pregnant and need my sleep is think. He also tends to hold EVERYTHING he does for me above my head to the point I’ve stopped asking for stuff. When we argue it’s always “well I do this, I go get you this, and that” when he knows it’s already hard because I’ve NEVER been one to ask or need any help. I’ve been very self sufficient since 17 when I moved out. I can’t lie I’ve told him so many times I want to break up and want him to leave but he just will not respect that and stays in my house. I’ve had to be VERY harsh in order to get him to even leave for a few hours. He always claims it’s his abandonment issues from his mom and the fact he was cheated on but I was cheated on November of last year after not being believed about a SA and have almost never had a dad. So it just doesn’t make sense to me why he’s so insecure and disrespectful especially while I’m pregnant. I don’t even feel happy and would much rather sleep and hide in places out of his sight than be with him. He gets angry at nearly everything and anything and then gets more mad when I get upset he won’t tell me his issue (which is 99% Of the time asking if I’m cheating, I could care less about any other man let alone the one I have rn). He also had me trapped in the bathroom about a week ago banging on the door calling me bogus and talking shit through the door because I wanted him to leave after he threw my phone at me when he went through it and found what he THOUGHT was an issue to start but it was completely not. Simply just another person I got recommended on insta and looked at the profile so their profile was there still and “too close” to my ex’s profile name. There’s more I could do he’s just invasive of my space, holds things above my head, turns everything around onto me as if I’m not trying my hardest while I’m throwing up and in pain 24/7. He’s made it so known he wants his daughter to have a two parent household and I want that more than anything too but I just cannot stand the way he’s being or been. He was good with the pregnancy until maybe 6-8 weeks ago and took a huge turn around. I don’t even know what to do or how to feel because my hormones are already on edge everyday. I’m hoping maybe I’ll start to like him but I’m not sexually, physically, or emotionally attracted to him in the slightest rn.