Creative Competitive Vanillite Builds?

I just caught this sweetbb in pkmn Y, nice and fresh♡
What would you consider my best bet to build the best competitive vanillite she can be without evolving? I looked on smogon but I feel like it would be really cool to see what u guys think creatively :)
Especially considering her less than favorable nature and I'm unsure of if her speed states are decent or not, it'll be my first time in y raising a vanillite, especially with no evolving. I haven't checked her hidden power type yet but I will when I get the chance.
I think she will actually be a good replacement for maybe my Lanturn with ice beam I've been using mostly against dragons when necessary. I really want to see if I can use her effectively to defeat the elite four the second time 'round.
What do you think?
Thanks!!☆ :3