The Philadelphia Museum of Art is a Racket
I don't work at the PMA. I work in fintech, basically crunching numbers all day. I just talked to one of them on the picket line and then I dug into the numbers to verify what they told me. This is disgusting. As a Philadelphian I am outraged that my tax dollars support this.
The new director, Sasha Suda, has a salary of over 700k/yr.
The COO, Bill Peterson, has a salary of over 400k/yr, which is 48% higher than the national average for that position.
The workers at the Art Museum are paid roughly 28% less than the national average for their relative positions.
The Art Museum does not pay for their land or their utilities. We, the tax payers of Philadelphia, pay for that. And we do that so ... <checks notes> ... the executive board can pay themselves well above market value while paying their workers ... <checks notes> ... 28% under market value.
The PMA is robbing Philadelphia blind. This is an outrage. Their union has been on strike for 9 days in an attempt to rectify this. Please don't cross their picket line! If you can help in any way, here is the link to their union's website:
EDIT: People are rightly asking for the source on the numbers. Museums have to disclose the spending via form 990 which is publicly available. Here is the PMAs 990:
I don't have the time to look up every museum and do the national averaging. I'm not a big art guy myself so I just looked up big name museums I was familiar with.
EDIT NUMBER TWO; This is why I love reddit, the hive mind data researchers have this ability to verify and correct wrong info . In my initial post I pulled the 990 from a subsidiary of the MOMA, not the MOMA itself. People dug into it and let me know, so I am removing that portion from the post. Apologies, I am just a software developer trying to piece it together from 990s. I wish I could get my data analyst guys at my job on this, but the reddit hive mind will have to suffice for now.