Past lives in Atlantis?
Do any of you remember having any past lives in Atlantis, and if so do you remember a war against shadowy beings of darkness before the flooding of Atlantis? I remember being a commander leading a charge against a giant Shadow creature that was summoned by 3 dark mages or evil gods for lack of a better term. I remember giving some kind of heroic speech to my men before the battle.And I remember it shooting us with a giant torrential beam of darkness. I tried to shield my men from the attack but it was too powerful, and ended up killing me and my army. I remember the leader of Atlantis was there with us in the battle as well. I have memories of him losing his way not long before that battle. I remember him charging up a giant crystal laser and me begging and pleading with him to stop, that it would bring war to Atlantis, bringing upon it's end. He didn't listen to me and shot the weapon anyways, I remember it completely destroying a distant land. Basically he started a war that eventually led to the battle we were facing. The people of Atlantis rejected him seeing him as a monster for what he had done. We knew his actions would bring upon the end of Atlantis, but we were still going to try and fight to protect it. He showed up last minute to help us against these beings of darkness professing that he was wrong for what he had done prior to that and that he would try to make amends for his actions and stand by our side in battle to defend Atlantis, but he wasn't able to protect Atlantis.
If any of you remember this event please share it with me I would love to be able to fill in the missing pieces. I already talked to one person who remembers this and apparently she was an Atlantean princess that remembered the war. She remembers being attacked and raped by the invaders. So it really seemed pretty brutal I feel like this may have been the final stand for Atlantis before the wave that so many people remember.
Edit: I forgot to mention it, but my brother also remembers a past life in Atlantis. He also remembers the war.