One sensitive twin at preschool

Kia ora multiples mums & dads!

Looking for advice on supporting my sensitive twin to gain more confidence at preschool and in social situations. My 2 yo identical boys go to pre-school 1 day/week 9am-4.30pm ish and whilst one loves it and happily plays independently / with the other children, the other constantly needs cuddles and stories from the teachers. He is like this in unfamiliar places too and often at home will cling to me. The preschool staff are obviously comparing him to his brother which is very unfair as they are different people. They are trying to encourage more independent play. Has anyone had similar experiences? What can I do to help him find some more confidence? This is happening at home too, his Mum can't even use the bathroom without him being very distressed. The obvious answer is to go to preschool more often but that just isn't an option at the moment. Thank you.