Practical tips for managing twins alone
We're currently in the depths of the newborn phase with 7 week old girls. We had a rough start with one needing surgery at 5 weeks and both being low birth weight so on various feeding plans etc. One twin is exclusively breastfed, the other is mostly bottle fed expressed milk as this is what the feeding plan dictated in the beginning and it was the only way to cope while in hospital with the other twin. Thankfully both twins are now home and putting on weight.
I am not coping. Husband just gone back to work, I don't know how it's possible to manage two alone by myself. The various methods of feeding isn't helping but it feels too far gone to get the other one back to being exclusively breastfed.
Does anyone have any practical tips on how to manage the two against one? They're both pretty high maintenance and want to be held all the time, both also have reflux. They won't really nap for longer than 10 mins during the day unless held and we're still only getting 90 mins between feeds day and night. I know everyone recommends getting them on a schedule but this feels impossible, they just do what they want and when they want and I'm wondering if I'll ever leave the house again.
We're exhausted and I am reaching my limit, any tips from veteran parents would be hugely appreciated.