Does anyone know whats wrong with my pacman frog???
This is my first pacman frog, I've only had him for about 2 weeks. He did eat a full meal of silversides and nightcrawers like a day after I got him. He lives in a 20 gallon bioactive enclosure on cocofiber, the temp is around 75, humidity stays between 70-90. I though he had Toxic Out Syndrome because a couple days after he got into his home, his back legs would flare out when I touched him/picked him up to eat. I gave him a bath but he is no longer doing that, hes now doing whats in the video. The water I put him in is warm, conditioned and it barely touches his feet so its not too deep. I don't know if you can see it in the video but his head tilts up super high and he looks very unbalanced , almost like hes leaning to one side when hes in water. His eyes are also cloudy. When hes in his enclosure his eyes don't look any better. They look cloudy and halfway closed almost all the time, even when he's not under ground. I don't know if there's something wrong with his legs, or his back or something. There's nothing on the internet about this so I'm hoping you guys can help me out. I feel really bad, I don't know if i did something wrong with my care.