How long is Timber Hearth's orbit?
I can't believe this question is so hard to search. Google can't help because it keeps wanting to tell me walkthroughs of Hearth or discussions of 'how long' the game is. I could do this myself with a timer and a bit of patience, but I'm the impatient sort and one of you guys has surely tested this by now. Right? Right?
What got me on this line of thinking was the text in the game (this isn't really a spoiler discussion, so I'll keep it vague) saying such-and-such years have passed since this thing, or so-and-so hasn't been seen for years. But what is a year, if you think about it? The world here is extremely tiny. A year is the time it takes for a planet to complete a full revolution of the star- you can open the map as soon as you load the game and watch it happen in real time. So "many years" might be a Hearthian phrase for "a couple hours ago". Or, they could be translating actual huge lengths of time into what we Earthians think of as years for better readability.
Just wanted to see if anyone has sat down and timed the full orbits of the game locations and would be willing to share that info.