New osu! avatar megacollab with 5069 slots will be opening today! Participate in a massive community project for free and obtain an avatar and banner for your userpage
Full collab information can be found in this spreadsheet
A tutorial on how to participate can be found here
The collab opens in June 30 at 00:00 UTC+0! (So in just about 20 minutes!)
Hello everyone! Endless Mirage will be hosting a new megacollab for the osu! community this summer with a custom pool of anime characters! The designs that you will obtain for free are the following:
You can check in the spreadsheet all the information about character availability and the series that are included in this collab! If you want to participate, it is recommended to watch the tutorial provided.
Ok but, what is all this?
Essentially, this is like a profile picture collab that normally occurs between a few users in the community, but instead of only a few people participating, you get to participate with hundreds or even thousands of users at the same time!
Can I only participate with a character that is in the pool?
For this edition of the collab yes, but you're able to change the image of your picked character so you can customise it as much as you want, as long as a minimum quality criteria is met.
Is this free? Where is the catch?
Participating in megacollabs hosted by us will always be free! So you get these designs customized to your info and character (color, skill, image, etc) just so you can use them in your userpage!
We hope to see you there!