Fuck CVC capital for fucking everything up.

This game was a treasure to me ever since I was little. The first big hit for me was EOC and WOF, TH... OSRS was the only place I could really experience nostalgia without advertisements to gamble money for in-game experience or items, and now the new owners of Jagex are pushing for a stupid slop update, and making a 'premium membership plan' for $32/Mo to have proper customer support and a proper AFK timer. Everyone knows that should be a basic requirement for a business to operate properly, and they should be in sync with their customers. This is just blatant greed and childish nonsense. You'll catch me playing some shitty private server before I EVER pay $32/Mo to not have ads on a MMO, or the bare minimum a company should give to any of their customers. Don't even get me started on the 10.99/mo basic members plan that STILL HAS ADS AND ONLY LETS YOU PLAY ON THE MOBILE VERSION OF THE GAME. I recommend everyone boycott CVC and continue to share their unhappiness and thoughts on this before its too late, don't let your childhood game crumble to dust Infront of you.