Should I close out this MSTR trade

Here is a link to my initial post a couple months ago. I'll clarify a bit on my position as the screenshot is a bit unclear.

65 MSTR 250c 12/19/2025 @ $84.70, currently $1,034 bid

5 MSTR 350c 12/19/2025 @ $64.01, currently $982 bid

My dilemma is that I think BTC is going higher, perhaps much higher before expiration. I'm up real money now on this trade, not life changing necessarily, but life/early retirement altering. MSTR is now trading at an approximate 75% premium to its underlying BTC holdings. I think this is likely due to the options action picking up and momentum traders finding the name. I think the valuation is unsustainable in the medium term, but anyone's guess in the next few weeks/months.

I'm well aware of the old adage that pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered and don't want to find myself as the latter. I'm seeking opinions on exiting the trade outright, selling OTM options and limiting my upside but protecting some of my gains, hanging in for a while, or other outcomes that I haven't thought about.

Thanks in advance for the advice and opinions.