I am married to a racist white supremacist and I feel trapped because we have kids

When I met my husband he, of course, was on his best behavior. We live in a white-ish part of the country so there were few opportunities to notice his beliefs. But that came through in time, especially after we got married.

Lately, he is even more vocal and almost celebrating that white boys are finally about to be "respected and valued" again. I don't think it's wrong of him to want to be respected and valued but he has made multiple racism comments and that makes me just not feel safe around him anymore. It's only a matter of time until I am in a vulnerable situation around him and who knows how he will treat me then?

If we didn't have kids I'd divorce in a heart beat. But I don't have any family I can rely on, so for the sake of my kids' basic needs being met I feel that I have to stay married.

I cringe every time he wants to have sex. I think I can endure it but I feel sorry for myself and I feel stupid for having been charmed by his charisma.