Doing a career transition into oceanography from a non-related non-science field in my 30s--insane? possible?

Hello! I've been lurking around this subreddit and truly appreciate the friendly advices the people in the field give to people who are interested in it. I hope to be able to get some insights or advice into my own queries as I don't know anyone in the industry in real life, and have exhausted my small social networks asking around for such connections too.

I've wasted 32 years on this planet without really knowing what I wanted to do, mostly just going around with what family or society expected from me before burning out and sinking deep into depression for a few years. My bachelor's degree and career was in law, but I hated doing it to the point that my own therapist begged me to quit this job to save my life. I started paddling a year and a half ago, and I found myself entranced with water--moving in the water, the movement of the water, and as I started reading more and more books about water and the ocean, I found myself to be absolutely fascinated by the complexity and the dynamics of the ocean.

I know that learning hydrology/hydrodynamics/physical oceanography requires top-of-the-cream, rigorous and passionate understanding of math and physics, and I have swallowed my pride and decided to revise my high school math and physics, hopefully to the point of Calculus BC and Physics C (fifteen years ago I had APs in Calculus AB, Physics, Statistics, and three other irrelevant subjects). I'm trying to understand what my options are, especially as I'm in a country where oceanography is not offered as a bachelor's degree or program, although from my research in the local job portals, there is a handful of (badly paid) research jobs for oceanography PhDs in a local university here. Apologies if my questions are scattered all over--I have so little information about this field that I think I don't know what I don't know, and so my questions might be laughably obvious or simple, but I truly appreciate any advice or help!

  1. What kind of portfolio, certificates, or CV would someone in my position (mid-career professional without a STEM degree) cobble together in order to get an internship in oceanography / hydrology / coastal studies etc? I thought an internship would help me solidify my understanding more as to whether this is a field I really want to go into. Should I pick up a data science certificate from Coursera or something like that? GIS?

  2. There is no bachelor's degree in oceanography in my country, and moving out is not possible at all for me due to financial reasons, although in the future if I can somehow get into a postgrad school or a job in oceanography overseas in the future I would definitely look seriously into it. What would you suggest for a bachelor's degree that can be used as the basis for pivoting into more physical oceanography / water modeling career in the future? Civil or environmental engineering? Physics? Earth sciences or geology?

  3. This next question might be a bit weird, but someone told me by way of career advice that I should always have a list of other options just in case this career transition doesn't work out, especially something that seems as impossible as this. As someone in the field, if you get to go back to a younger version of yourself, what kind of list would you have worked out with young-you as possible options for a career?

Thank you so much for your attention and also you help in advance. If this is inappropriate at all, please feel free to delete this!