Nurse Manager Scammed over a dozen people at my hospital
I work at a hospital where they recently hired a nursing manager. This particular manager ended up scamming over a dozen people where I work at by asking for financial help. She used the excuse of her mother dying and how her money was all tied up for an ugly divorce she was going through with her husband. She cried, begged, pleaded, promised she would pay back and not to tell anyone because of how embarrassing it is. I never would have imagined that someone in such a highly regarded position could do something like that. But she did. I also recently found out through Reddit of all places that she had done this to ANOTHER hospital just a year ago. Same exact situation. She has taken over $50,000 collectively, from nurses and doctors and others from our hospital alone.
Some of us are in the process of seeking legal advice someway somehow. We understand that we may not get our money back, but hopefully she will be stopped and be legally reprimanded and punished.
At this point, we do not know where she is. She has blocked most of us from contacting her. Our hospital has fired her and has not done much to help us in anyway.
I suppose I am seeking for advice and putting out a warning for others not to fall for a situation like this.