Patient fall - 2nd day off orientation
I’m on my second day off orientation in the ED. Had my first pt “fall” today if you can even consider it that. She was 90 and the nurse before me gave her 3 doses of dilaudid and a small dose of Ativan because she was writhing in pain. It’s currently 1905, I came on at 7. Pt’s daughter comes out of the room and says she needs to use the bathroom and usually is ambulatory and independent. Bathroom is connected to the room. Tech goes into the room to escort pt to the bathroom, I go into another room to see a pt who passed out 3 times today. I have a needle in my other pts arm when I get a Vocera call that the tech needs help. I quickly finish up my IV and go help the tech, I’m greeted by charge and another nurse in the room. We check a sugar and it’s a little elevated. Pt is fine, never hit the floor, no injuries sustained. MD notified and fluids on board. Thought to be an orthostatic episode. Charge nurse comes to tell me I still have to complete the fall form, technically. Pt goes to surgery, I give report (“fall” included) to the floor she’s going to after surgery, and tell whoever came to get her about the orthostatic incident. I don’t complete the fall form until around 11pm because I was always told pt care comes before documentation, and the ED was slammed. I would be wrong to say I wasn’t a little overwhelmed. OR nurse calls me furious that no one told her she had a fall. I explained everything to her but I’m sure she was still pissed.
I’m going to call my manager in a few hours to talk to her about it because I am truly freaking out. Im sure I’m not going to lose my job or anything but still freaking out. Please be honest, am I freaking out for nothing?