LAST MAN STANDING 15 has left Vegas with 420 users, 62% of whom have tipped correctly! Join in the fun and tip Round 1A now! All still welcome

LAST MAN STANDING 15 has started with almost two thirds of users correctly tipping a winner! Rugby League itself wasn't the only winner in the gambling capital of the world!!

We had 420 users enter for Vegas, and 63% moved on to the next round. Don't fear though, those of you that have chosen poorly, you're still alive and kicking for the next round so tip now!

Late entries are welcome. You tip from now, and you have no life (it's as if you tipped incorrectly in the first part of the round). Use the google form below!

Don't forget, nobody is eliminated yet - you all have a life for the first 10 rounds

Check your tip below, if you feel I have made a mistake, let me know before kickoff or forever hold your peace

Progressive results

users correct incorrect % correct with a life no life eliminated % eliminated
420 264 156 63% 264 156 0 0%



1) EACH WEEK, go to the GOOGLE FORM above and submit your single tip. That's one team, that you think will win their game that week. A single team, out of the entire round. Surely that's easy as! If your team wins, WOOHOO! You're through to the next week. If they don't, you're OUT OF THE GAME!* A draw is a loss, as far as this game is concerned. All decisions are final and the result as it stands at the end of any extra time is the result we use. ONE TIP PER PLAYER PER ROUND!

2) THERE WILL BE ONE LIFE available to you until the start of Round 10. That means, you can tip incorrectly once only prior to Round 10 and you won't be eliminated. That gives us all a chance to see what's going on with each of the teams and also allows for users to start late.

3) Once we get to ROUND 16 then it's new rules whereby you cannot tip the same team twice. We will cover that when we get there. Until then, you can tip Melbourne every week if you want to.

4) Whoever is the last man standing wins the /r/NRL Reddit jersey of your chosen size.

5) If everyone happens to get it wrong on a particular week, then we move on to the next week as if nothing happened.

6) We are tipping State of Origins independently of the round matches.



Tips by match

Home users v users Away
✔️ Canberra 71 87 New Zealand
✔️ Penrith 193 69 Cronulla


Tips by user Round 1 - Vegas

user tip result
jaggedlittlepill Penrith ✔️
Sullyy Penrith ✔️
system_error Cronulla Sutherland
0_Kids_Three_Money Canberra ✔️
007Funk Canberra ✔️
0LD_MAT3 Canberra ✔️
0ldgrumpy1 Penrith ✔️
1bigcontradiction Cronulla Sutherland
21AndMore Penrith ✔️
23 Smurfs Penrith ✔️
5een1tBefore Canberra ✔️
60framespersecond Canberra ✔️
aatrain96 Penrith ✔️
Abject-Substance-546 Penrith ✔️
Acceptable-Turn-9206 New Zealand
acestreasury Penrith ✔️
adambone Penrith ✔️
AffectionatePea7742 Penrith ✔️
AgentBond007 Cronulla Sutherland
Ajn_7 New Zealand
AkselAlloway Cronulla Sutherland
allerdyke New Zealand
Allergytocats Penrith ✔️
AmazingChicken99 Penrith ✔️
Ancientcontribution3 Penrith ✔️
AndrewRoid Penrith ✔️
Any-Praline Penrith ✔️
AP Penrith ✔️
Apl1199 Penrith ✔️
aquagoth Canberra ✔️
Arinvar Penrith ✔️
ASH_03 Penrith ✔️
Ashland38 Cronulla Sutherland
AuspiciousCalamari1 Canberra ✔️
aussierob New Zealand
awesomemaxi1 Canberra ✔️
Barlin Penrith ✔️
Barmy90 Cronulla Sutherland
BarryCheckTheFuseBox New Zealand
BazzaJH Penrith ✔️
beardog- Cronulla Sutherland
benooooooooo Canberra ✔️
bigballsu Canberra ✔️
bigbootyjuice69 Penrith ✔️
bigeyesix New Zealand
BigOldPeanut Canberra ✔️
bigWordBandit_ Penrith ✔️
bl90 New Zealand
Blanckdu12 Canberra ✔️
Bleeder_13 Penrith ✔️
Bobskidat New Zealand
BoganBoi1 Cronulla Sutherland
Boner_Tomahawk New Zealand
BoogerSugar00 Cronulla Sutherland
brockthesock Penrith ✔️
broggacio Cronulla Sutherland
BroncosSabres Penrith ✔️
Brumbies5 Penrith ✔️
brybro100 New Zealand
Bubbly_Protection984 New Zealand
Caleb_Azathoth Penrith ✔️
CalligrapherTough984 Cronulla Sutherland
callin_ballin Penrith ✔️
Captainboring2 New Zealand
carl0sthedwarf Penrith ✔️
Carplah New Zealand
CaserDJT Cronulla Sutherland
Ceedog86 Penrith ✔️
Certain-Month1859 Penrith ✔️
Character_actual Penrith ✔️
charkers196 New Zealand
Cheesytoastie Penrith ✔️
CherryRiot Penrith ✔️
ChewieMP_19 Penrith ✔️
Chiefola Penrith ✔️
Choflcopter New Zealand
chopperreid89 Cronulla Sutherland
CissytheBrave New Zealand
CleanX226 New Zealand
CleanX226 Penrith ✔️
cloughie-10 Canberra ✔️
CoastyEast Penrith ✔️
Cobalt_Rav3n Penrith ✔️
ConesQuestionMark Cronulla Sutherland
Constantlycorrecting Penrith ✔️
crazymunch Cronulla Sutherland
CreepySniper94 Penrith ✔️
Crosso221 New Zealand
Cruising88 Cronulla Sutherland
crusherscleal Cronulla Sutherland
D0NNIE-DANKO New Zealand
dead_soups Penrith ✔️
deadene Penrith ✔️
DeadmanInc1990 Penrith ✔️
deepseaburials Canberra ✔️
Delgara New Zealand
DepartmentOk7192 Canberra ✔️
DetMittens12 Penrith ✔️
dgviyvxt New Zealand
Diamondgrin Penrith ✔️
diamondrider02 New Zealand
diffaadiffa Canberra ✔️
Dios13 Penrith ✔️
Disaintasu New Zealand
donmcg12 Cronulla Sutherland
Drewy12 Cronulla Sutherland
DrillholeAndWing Penrith ✔️
Drizen Penrith ✔️
drownmeinasbestos New Zealand
dunghole Penrith ✔️
dunkanroos Canberra ✔️
DylLambo Penrith ✔️
EffinDrongoC Penrith ✔️
ek999 New Zealand
Elasticfingers Penrith ✔️
Ellaykay Cronulla Sutherland
Emeraldfib New Zealand
Empyreal5 Canberra ✔️
EntirelyOriginalName Penrith ✔️
EP Eagles Canberra ✔️
esdrlfc08 Canberra ✔️
Extra_Swan_8400 Penrith ✔️
Fearless-Ad-9481 Penrith ✔️
Few-Shelter-3328 Cronulla Sutherland
FilthyMilfs New Zealand
Final_Mongoose New Zealand
finalshow Cronulla Sutherland
FishBum11 New Zealand
Fiz19 Penrith ✔️
Fly_ndutchman Cronulla Sutherland
FooAtFooDotCom Penrith ✔️
foreatesevenate Penrith ✔️
Forgotusernameagain Cronulla Sutherland
frontlyfe Penrith ✔️
frozentrousers New Zealand
fuckenbullshitmate Penrith ✔️
funtasia Cronulla Sutherland
gee-nerik Penrith ✔️
Geoffroman Cronulla Sutherland
ginger_gcups Penrith ✔️
Glennn6122 Penrith ✔️
glorious-basterd Penrith ✔️
GoatsLasagne New Zealand
GoblinLoveChild Penrith ✔️
Gongbattler Penrith ✔️
Goobeeful Canberra ✔️
GoobyPanther Cronulla Sutherland
GradeRevolutionary28 Penrith ✔️
Green-Leather3037 New Zealand
Grizaz Penrith ✔️
grub_15 Canberra ✔️
guiipp Penrith ✔️
Guyfromnewyork95 Penrith ✔️
H00ded Cronulla Sutherland
Hai2445 Canberra ✔️
Herbertwilsonbeats Cronulla Sutherland
Herbtacular Penrith ✔️
Herms911 New Zealand
hi5man New Zealand
hilly117 Penrith ✔️
Historical_gur9973 Penrith ✔️
hmas_wetdreams Penrith ✔️
Hobnail1 Penrith ✔️
Horsey2 Cronulla Sutherland
How_did_i_get_here New Zealand
HsiaAn Penrith ✔️
Hurric4n5 New Zealand
ilove_pizza Cronulla Sutherland
illustrious_club239 Penrith ✔️
iluhju Penrith ✔️
imaginationASDF Penrith ✔️
Imakeulag Penrith ✔️
Imdisrespectful2dirt Canberra ✔️
IMisssmyaccount Canberra ✔️
Inebriated_rembrandt Cronulla Sutherland
injnjanidude Penrith ✔️
Inner-Armadillo5129 New Zealand
insty1 Canberra ✔️
IridiumFlare Penrith ✔️
IrrelephantAU New Zealand
issedia Cronulla Sutherland
Jabbid111 Penrith ✔️
jacarooney Penrith ✔️
Jace116 New Zealand
jackfrost233 Penrith ✔️
jackjonus New Zealand
jahGONSTA New Zealand
Jakets123 Penrith ✔️
jakkusame Penrith ✔️
jal743 Penrith ✔️
jamiott7 New Zealand
Jbne19 Penrith ✔️
JCGremlo Penrith ✔️
jeeves_nz New Zealand
Jeezzaz New Zealand
jellystoned_park Penrith ✔️
Jexta Penrith ✔️
Jfif1958 Cronulla Sutherland
Jingle_beryy New Zealand
JMaestro3000 Penrith ✔️
Joe80b New Zealand
JoeyJoJunior Penrith ✔️
johns_got_a_mustache Penrith ✔️
JonesTheDoctor Penrith ✔️
Joshy_c Canberra ✔️
jsnoodles Cronulla Sutherland
JustaGoodDad Penrith ✔️
kami_inu Cronulla Sutherland
Karlossalot Cronulla Sutherland
keenfordevon Canberra ✔️
Keith_Sheldon Canberra ✔️
Kelair_Kayaks Penrith ✔️
Kettlechipsrevenge Canberra ✔️
KezRL4256 Cronulla Sutherland
Killy_ Penrith ✔️
Kilo-papa-uniform Canberra ✔️
Kinglennie7 Penrith ✔️
Kirbieb Penrith ✔️
Kiwicrusader1984 New Zealand
kkoobbii182 New Zealand
kortmarshall Penrith ✔️
Kritzberg Penrith ✔️
Kroton24 Penrith ✔️
l33tbronze Penrith ✔️
lachymit Canberra ✔️
le_skunk Canberra ✔️
lemonke65 New Zealand
lenginerr New Zealand
Liamman01 Cronulla Sutherland
likeatyger Penrith ✔️
Logggers Cronulla Sutherland
Lollielegs Penrith ✔️
long_possession_4402 Canberra ✔️
Loosechange-71 Canberra ✔️
Lord_Muzzlander Penrith ✔️
Lord_SlowMo Penrith ✔️
Lordchicken666 Canberra ✔️
LovingCatholicPriest Penrith ✔️
lowefforts Penrith ✔️
LowerHangingNutsack Cronulla Sutherland
Lukismness Penrith ✔️
M_Keating Penrith ✔️
Major4skin New Zealand
Malaxage918 Penrith ✔️
markymark1982 Penrith ✔️
Matthews_8246 Penrith ✔️
Mc_shammer Penrith ✔️
Mediocre_Drive_7847 Penrith ✔️
Mershed Penrith ✔️
mgk333 Penrith ✔️
MickeyKnight2 Penrith ✔️
miicah Cronulla Sutherland
milosqzx__v2 New Zealand
Minimum-Pizza-9734 New Zealand
MitchyC1995 Penrith ✔️
mollygrubba267 Penrith ✔️
Mooguh Cronulla Sutherland
Mouse_trap Cronulla Sutherland
Mr_Mat89 Penrith ✔️
mrrich990 New Zealand
Mrsaturn2310 Canberra ✔️
MrT59 Penrith ✔️
Muted_Tip1104 Penrith ✔️
Myanusyourtongue Penrith ✔️
N1ftyNico Penrith ✔️
Naivatco Penrith ✔️
nangarranga Penrith ✔️
Nathanclearyschin Cronulla Sutherland
Nekminit New Zealand
nephilimofstlucia Cronulla Sutherland
NewWay4874 Canberra ✔️
nibbles-von-pibbles Canberra ✔️
NicholasTheGreat New Zealand
nickers1234 Penrith ✔️
nikkan05 Penrith ✔️
Ninjapussypouder Penrith ✔️
No_Cloud2000 Penrith ✔️
No_Reward_3486 Penrith ✔️
Noccero Canberra ✔️
Notaroboticfish Penrith ✔️
Nubsticle Penrith ✔️
OfficerLeroy22 New Zealand
Old_Spice Cronulla Sutherland
ooger-booger-man Penrith ✔️
OpinionatedShadow New Zealand
packaday_ Canberra ✔️
paralacausa Canberra ✔️
ParallelSewellel New Zealand
Patrolling_dude New Zealand
peppypls Cronulla Sutherland
Pickemswastemytime Canberra ✔️
Pillarofsheffield Cronulla Sutherland
PinkMattah Canberra ✔️
PowerlineInstaller Cronulla Sutherland
ProportionalGiant Cronulla Sutherland
Proxima_Centuri Cronulla Sutherland
Purplecapricorndog Penrith ✔️
quarky_uk Penrith ✔️
Quiqui Penrith ✔️
Rab1dGuy Canberra ✔️
Randomologist99 Canberra ✔️
ravalawafan Penrith ✔️
Redcliffedolphins Penrith ✔️
reddog962 Cronulla Sutherland
reddog962 New Zealand
redmusic1 Canberra ✔️
Rei_Jin Penrith ✔️
Reindeergames101 Penrith ✔️
RetroGolfer Cronulla Sutherland
Retrosaurus-movies Penrith ✔️
Rich_Election466 Cronulla Sutherland
ridiculousgoat Penrith ✔️
Robisdeafening Penrith ✔️
RocketSimplicity Penrith ✔️
rodomil Penrith ✔️
rorythedonut Cronulla Sutherland
Rowandaw Cronulla Sutherland
Rubytubes2 Cronulla Sutherland
RumpleFuggle Canberra ✔️
runningfromgiraffes Canberra ✔️
rweera Penrith ✔️
ryan-smeels New Zealand
sadnesslaughs New Zealand
Safe_Interest_3973 Canberra ✔️
Safetyrock Cronulla Sutherland
SamsterAHamster Penrith ✔️
SamuraiKiwi New Zealand
Savingscauliflower0 New Zealand
SaysBruvALot Cronulla Sutherland
scrubbism New Zealand
Scruffy97 New Zealand
Seriouslychinpressed Penrith ✔️
shadownight311 Penrith ✔️
Sharks_Are_Coming Cronulla Sutherland
Shiny_dick_94 Cronulla Sutherland
Shkatspeare Penrith ✔️
shoefish23 New Zealand
shotgun_afterparty Penrith ✔️
Sidequestnorest Canberra ✔️
Sigmaniac Penrith ✔️
SirleeOldman New Zealand
SkinBintin New Zealand
Smiles8893 New Zealand
smilingface2 Penrith ✔️
smwa Penrith ✔️
sour_dawg New Zealand
Southern-Mail5931 Penrith ✔️
Spare_Way6722 Canberra ✔️
Specialist-Field-935 Canberra ✔️
spiKev Penrith ✔️
spookysadghoul Penrith ✔️
Steamtrain69 New Zealand
SterlingStallion Penrith ✔️
stevos565 Penrith ✔️
StinkyGoona Penrith ✔️
Strayadude Penrith ✔️
Strayangunner Penrith ✔️
Sunbear1981 Penrith ✔️
Sunny_Mayo Penrith ✔️
Taco_City Cronulla Sutherland
TaffyAUS New Zealand
Tca2011 Penrith ✔️
TeePeg Canberra ✔️
Thankyoupancake Penrith ✔️
Thatnewbguy New Zealand
the_mooseman Penrith ✔️
TheBlindHawkEye New Zealand
thebuckledwheel Penrith ✔️
TheEnglishEccentric Penrith ✔️
TheJohnnyRay Canberra ✔️
TheLolpants517 Canberra ✔️
Thepickaxepenguin New Zealand
Theplanetofthecrepes Penrith ✔️
thepolarbears12 New Zealand
theviceemperor New Zealand
TheYardGoesOnForever Penrith ✔️
throwthedummy Canberra ✔️
Thurstenburg New Zealand
Thybeast7 Canberra ✔️
TIT&NZZ Cronulla Sutherland
Tjswish Penrith ✔️
TommyToyotama Penrith ✔️
Tomprentice Canberra ✔️
Tookeytime Cronulla Sutherland
Toviii Canberra ✔️
Trenticus7 Canberra ✔️
Trogdor208 Penrith ✔️
Tunza Penrith ✔️
turboooturtle New Zealand
turbosfan98 Canberra ✔️
Twoshitstrev Cronulla Sutherland
UnderTheHighball Penrith ✔️
UnluckyNumberS7evin Penrith ✔️
Unorthed0x New Zealand
—username—11111 Cronulla Sutherland
V3ndettas Canberra ✔️
Valerious22 Penrith ✔️
Valknut95 Canberra ✔️
VeezusM Canberra ✔️
vegancheezel Penrith ✔️
VictorTheViking Canberra ✔️
Voidaura New Zealand
Volcanicthunder Canberra ✔️
W33D_G0D New Zealand
wacky_directions New Zealand
Walter308 New Zealand
Wazza85 Penrith ✔️
whadefeck Penrith ✔️
whocanduncan Penrith ✔️
wilee90 Canberra ✔️
Witty-Reference Penrith ✔️
WonderingCashew Penrith ✔️
Wseries Cronulla Sutherland
WUIDAWBTB Cronulla Sutherland
Yeahsothisnameworked Canberra ✔️
yesmyson Canberra ✔️
Yukimanz Canberra ✔️
Zero_Focks Penrith ✔️
Ziuzudra New Zealand
zoopadoopa Penrith ✔️